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Views: 5754
Title: Artist
Country: United States
City: New York

- About -

Virginia Mallon is a New York artist, working in painting and photography. A graduate of Queens College of the City University of New York, she apprenticed with Indian Space artist Robert Barrell, and later taught the children's art class at his Forest Park School of Art in Woodhaven, Queens. Currently working out of a studio in a small wetland community called Crab Meadow, her work in photography covers the gamut between picturesque rural landscapes to urban blight, as well as addresses issues facing modern America. Her work in painting, incorporating influences of the Arte Povera moment of the 1960s, contemplates historic and mythological women and their modern counterparts. Ms.
Mallon’s work reflects on the current state of the world, as well as nautical spaces, personal histories, and the psychological undercurrents of contemporary society.