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Views: 2320
Title: Artist
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg

- About -

Erina Abraham was born in 1956 and grew up on a farm in Northern South Africa, close to the Botswana border. She currently resides in Helderkruin, Johannesburg. She studied in Pretoria, and is married with two sons. Born a natural painter, and influenced by a family friend, the late Carl Buchner, Erina developed her own style over the years. Her work has matured to the extent that is has become instantly recognisable. Once seen, it is imminently memorable. Erina draws her inspiration primarily from the beauty of the natural world and people, especially women, that surround her. She loves capturing everyday life moments, telling a story of love and labour.
Conservation of South African fauna and flora and the role that we as humans play in the everyday interaction with our environment is close to her heart. Erina Abraham - IMG_6061.jpg Her vivid and colourful paintings depicts sunny South Africa and its rainbow nation. Erina prefers to work from real life and travel experiences. Her impressionist paintings often tell a story within stories. “I love the fact that onlookers bring their own experiences which creates a new narrative every time." Erina’s paintings are sold in galleries throughout South Africa and can be found in many prestigious and private collections in South Africa and abroad. She often takes on commissions for private collectors and companies. In 2001 her works were first published in the Zebra Register of South Africa Artists & Galleries 2001. In 2011 Erina Abraham was awarded the “New Signature of the year “ by well know SA Alice Art Gallery! Erina gives all honour to her creator, Jesus Christ, for her wonderful talent and ability to put so much compassion and emotion into her paintings

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