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Lauren DiCioccio: "pliables"



Saturday, 7 September 2019 to Saturday, 19 October 2019
Saturday, 7 September 2019 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Jack Fischer Gallery is pleased to present pliables, a solo exhibition by Lauren DiCioccio. Join us for the opening reception on September 7, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at our Minnesota Street Project gallery. The exhibition will be up through October 19, 2019.

In her sixth exhibition with the gallery, Lauren DiCioccio presents a new body of work created in 2019. Following her 2017 show comfort objects, DiCioccio has mined the vocabulary of forms derived from her experience working in soft sculpture and translated the anthropomorphic conglomerations of soft, bulbous, tubular iterations into laminated plywood, a new material and method of working for the artist. 

Having worked primarily in the medium of textiles for over ten years, DiCioccio has utilized that material to explore a feeling of nostalgia, comfort, and lightness in both form and spirit. Wanting to push the exploration of this lightness deeper, she ‘sculpted’ all of the individual pieces in the show using a 3D modeling software: pushing, pulling and merging forms in the gravity-less and intangible atmosphere of the program. The resulting 3D files were then sliced into hundreds of layers in a software program and then laser-cut from plywood, stacked, glued, nailed, grinded, sanded, painted and finished.

DiCioccio prizes craft and craftsmanship in her work and here explores how new tools and technology can expand her ability to sculpt while still leaving room for the human touch to bring each piece to life with hours of time, care and skill. The tension between the modeling of the forms in a virtual space without gravity and the resulting pieces’ heavy, hard, labor-laden weight gives the installation an eerie feel of unfamiliar familiarity, a push and pull DiCioccio has explored in recent work.

Curator :

Artist ( Description ): 

Lauren DiCioccio received her BA in Studio Art and Art History from Colgate University. She has exhibited her work in solo exhibitions at Jack Fischer Gallery (San Francisco, CA), Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (San Francisco, CA), Tomlinson Kong Contemporary (New York, NY), and 2731 Prospect (Cleveland, OH). She has participated in group shows at the Arts + Literature Laboratory (Madison, WI), Bellevue Arts Museum (Bellevue, WA), the Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Beach, CA), the Fosdick-Nelson Gallery at Alfred University (Alfred, NY), Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery (London), as well as locally at the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, Root Division, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, and the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles. DiCioccio has been an artist-in-residence at the Headlands Center for the Arts (Affiliate Program), Recology SF, and Workshop Residence (San Francisco, CA). She is currently an Artist Trustee for the Djerassi Resident Artists Program.

Venue ( Address ): 

Minnesota Street Project, 1275 Minnesota Street, San Francisco, CA, 94107

Jack Fischer Gallery , San Francisco



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Lauren DiCioccio: "pliables"
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Kate Nartker & Leigh Wells: "scratch the surface"
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