Exhibition Type:
How many exhibition works:
- 50 - 59
Exhibition Total Value:
- $0 - $5000

The party, the decorations, the big tree that every years will welcome you in the Gallery, the desire and pleasure to be with loved ones and friends. But also the imagination of contemporary artists from all over the world for our temporary exhibitions, this is Christmas for us.
Exhibition included in the 3rd Edition of Rome Art Night events
We look forward to welcoming you from Monday to Friday, from 11AM to 5PM, in Via Raffaele Cadorna 28, Rome.
On our website you'll find in-depth information about each artist.
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Curator :
Kimberly Adamis, Cristina Adria, Leon Amemiya Ph.D, Heda Amruta, Mariana Branco, Johanne Chagnon, Alessio Costantini, Nathanael Cox, Daru, Christine El Ojeil, Fadiese, Marika Fleck, GetFreaky, Aurélie Goarzin, Jo Going, Megan Harmer, Ioannis Kaiserlis, Monika Katterwe, Chifumi Kawamura, Tommi Ketonen, Ian Kingsford-Smith, Rebecca Klodt, Kirsten Kohrt, Chikara Komura, Fiona Livingstone, Emilio López Diez, Paul Scott Malone, Nikoloz Meskhishvili, Oliver Ojeil, Pawel Opalinski, Dimitra Papageorgiou, Aleksandra Pomorisac, Sally Ponce Enrile, Vera Schumacher, Malgorzata Slaga, Jean-Paul Soujol Benedetti, Taka & Megu, Josefina Temin, Mariëlle Vroemen, Sodoma Xia, Pu Wei, Carole Wu, Mark Jeffrey Weiss.
Rossocinabro Via Raffaele Cadorna 28 00187 Roma Apertura: da lun a ven 11 – 17 Entrata libera
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