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Richard Whitby in conversation with Natasha Hoare



Monday, 29 April 2019

Richard Whitby in conversation with Natasha Hoare, Curator at Goldsmiths Centre for Contemporary Art, discussing his latest moving image work The Lost Ones, commissioned for Jerwood/FVU Awards 2019: Going, Gone.

The Lost Ones follows a disparate group of individuals who are waiting to have their residency status assessed. They are people in limbo – whose personal circumstances or economic situations have been suddenly re-evaluated and whose future status now seems conditional on a test that they need to pass.

Richard Whitby is a video and performance artist, who lives and works in London. He often working with collaborators producing music, costumes and objects. Whitby studied at Wimbledon College of Art, Slade School of Art and took part in the LUX Associate Artists Programme 2012- 2013, completing a PhD in Humanities and Cultural Studies from the London Consortium in 2016. Recent presentations include GIVE GOOD, Twentyone, Southend (2018), The Jump Room, The Old Waterworks, Southend (2017), Jerwood Staging Series, Jerwood Arts, London (2017), Corrupt Blood Incident, South Kiosk, London. His book The Jump Room was published by The Old Waterworks in 2018. He is a member of the National Executive Committee for Artists’ Union England.

Natasha Hoare is Curator at Goldsmiths Centre for Contemporary Art, London. She was previously a Curator at Witte de With Centre for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam (2014-18) and Assistant Curator for the Marrakech Biennale (2012-14). Independent curatorial projects include An unpredictable expression of human potential, Sharjah Biennale 13 (2017) and Self-Reflection; Mark Wallinger at the Freud Museum, London (2017). As a writer she has contributed to Frieze, ArtReview, Ibraaz, amongst others, and is contributing editor of ExtraExtra. She is the author of The New Curator (2016) published by Laurence King.

This talk is programmed as part of the Jerwood/FVU Awards 2019: Going, Gone exhibition, featuring two new moving-image commissions by Webb-Ellis and Richard Whitby. The galleries are open late before the event (5-7pm) giving you the chance to enjoy our exhibitions and refreshments.

This event is free to attend but capacity is limited. Book your place via Eventbrite.

Venue ( Address ): 

171 Union Street, Bankside,
London, SE1 0LN

Jerwood Arts , London



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