Merry Karnowsky Gallery is proud to present the solo exhibitions of both Victor Castillo and MM (Maxim of The Prodigy). Victor Castillo tells stories in his painting. As if it were a contemporary chronicle, his work follows the narrative logic of illustrations for children's stories, and the aesthetics of classic animations, to present us with allegories about greed, inequality, indifference, brutality, racism, and other values that the artist sees being imposed worldwide.
MM’s art is otherworldly and totemic. It is engaging and transcendental, and at the same time, imbued with a refreshing sense of artistic freedom and experimentation.
VICTOR CASTILLO (Main Gallery)/ MM (Maxim of The Prodigy) (Square Gallery)
Merry Karnowsky Gallery
170. South La Brea Ave.
Los Angeles, California 90036
Tel: 323-933-4408